Searching for subject "Wissenschaftsphilosophie und -theorie" in books hits 272 entries


Alexander Aichele
Christian Wolff

Christian Wolff (1679-1754) war ohne Zweifel der historisch bedeutendste und sowohl national wie international - bis in die seinerzeit gerade erst entstehenden Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika - einflussre…

lieferbar ab 18.6.2025.
EUR 22.99*

Ken Akiba
Indeterminacy, Vagueness, and Truth

This book shows that the assumption that classical logic is essentially a bivalent (i.e., 2-valued) logic, a logic of truth and falsity, is an incorrect and harmful conception. Classical logic is certainl…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 131.42*

Alessandro De Angelis
Galileo and the 1604 Supernova

This book is about the 1604 supernova and presents the translation of key documents discussing this astronomical event in Italy. Only seven Galactic supernovae visible to the naked eye are documented, wit…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 54.75*

Andrew Arana
Elements of Purity

A proof of a theorem can be said to be pure if it draws only on what is 'close' or 'intrinsic' to that theorem. In this Element we will investigate the apparent preference for pure proofs that has persist…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 89.29*

Andrew Arana
Elements of Purity

A proof of a theorem can be said to be pure if it draws only on what is 'close' or 'intrinsic' to that theorem. In this Element we will investigate the apparent preference for pure proofs that has persist…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 31.70*

Alain Aspect
Einstein and the Quantum Revolutions

According to publisher's website ( books/series/FRCHCO.html), this volume forms part of the France Chicago Collectio

available for immediate delivery
EUR 16.95*

Yochai Ataria
Genes, Technology, and Apocalypse

This book offers a critique of a certain contemporary discourse in popular science that consists of (1) identifying the origins and therefore essential nature of Homo Sapiens; and (2) identifying the natu…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 147.93*

Sarah Bakewell
Humanly Possible

The bestselling, prizewinning author of How to Live and At the Existentialist Café explores the great tradition of humanist writers, thinkers, scientists and artists, all trying to understand what it mean…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 11.57*

Lise Barnéoud,
Hidden Guests

What if some of your cells were not your own? What if they once belonged to someone else? Part mind-bending medical mystery—part cutting-edge science—Hidden Guests uncovers the astonishing phenomenon of …

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Ansgar Beckermann
Einführung in die Logik

De Gruyter Studium

Daserfolgreiche Studienbuch liegt nun in dervierten Auflage vor; das bewährte Konzept wurde beibehalten. Das Werk ist für Studienanfänger wie für Studierende mit mathematischen Vorkenntnissen oder mit Ken…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 24.95*

Ermanno Bencivenga
The Logic of Mysticism

This book reconciles the worlds of mysticism and logic, building on the author's previous groundbreaking work in oceanic logic. Historically, the seemingly distinct domains of mysticism and logic have bee…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 120.46*

Joseph Bentley
Logical Empiricism and Naturalism

This text provides an extensive exploration of the relationship between the thought of Otto Neurath and Rudolf Carnap, providing a new argument for the complementarity of their mature philosophies as part…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 131.42*

Renée Bergland
Natural Magic

"A captivating portrait of the poet and the scientist who shared an enchanted view of natureEmily Dickinson and Charles Darwin were born at a time when the science of studying the natural world was known …

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
EUR 32.40*

Henri Bergson,
Zeit und freier Wille

Henri Bergsons "Zeit und freier Wille: Ein Essay über das phänomenale Bewusstsein" bietet eine tiefgründige Analyse der menschlichen Wahrnehmung von Zeit und Bewusstsein. Bergson argumentiert, dass die ko…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 25.00*

Charlotte Bolwin, Shirin Weigelt, Moritz Riemann
Operativität und Sinnlichkeit

August / Kommentar

Gilbert Simondons Überlegungen zur Techno-Ästhetik gehen hervor aus einem an Jacques Derrida gerichteten, unvollendeten Brief anlässlich der Gründung des Collège International de Philosophie im Jahr 1983.…

lieferbar ab 17.4.2025.
EUR 22.00*

Christopher James Bostock
Introduction to Quantized Fields

This short book approaches quantum field theory via the study of a selection of important papers in QED, electroweak theory and QCD. It places emphasis on Fermi and Bethe's original papers involving the n…

lieferbar ab 11.9.2025.
EUR 60.79*

Nick Bostrom,

Was geschieht, wenn es uns eines Tages gelingt, eine Maschine zu entwickeln, die die menschliche Intelligenz auf so gut wie allen Gebieten übertrifft? Klar ist: Eine solche Superintelligenz wäre enorm mäc…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 26.00*

Simon Bowes
Naturally Minded

This book is an empirically informed investigation of the philosophical problem of mental causation, and a philosophical investigation of the status of cognitive scientific generalisations. If there are m…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 147.93*

Ben F. Brammell, Michael L. Peterson, Timothy J. Pawl
Jesus and the Genome

"Is a coherent worldview that embraces both classical Christology and modern evolutionary biology possible? This volume explores this fundamental question through an engaged inquiry into key topics, such …

available for immediate delivery
EUR 32.76*

Amanda Bryant, Alastair Wilson
Modal Naturalism

"How do we know what is possible or impossible, what is inevitable or unattainable, or what would happen under which circumstances? Since modal facts seem distinctively mysterious and difficult to know, t…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
EUR 88.29*
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